Directed by Danny Brown

During the war Joe Keller and Steve Deever ran a machine shop which made airplane parts. Deever was sent to prison because the firm turned out defective parts, causing the deaths of many men. Keller went free and made a lot of money.

The twin shadows of this catastrophe and the fact that the young Keller son was reported missing during the war dominate the action.

The love affair of Chris Keller and Ann Deever, the bitterness of George Deever returned from the war to find his father in prison and his father’s partner free, are all set in a structure of almost unbearable power. An electrifying play.


Joe Keller - Kurt Knoedelseder

Kate Keller - Susan Wylie

Chris Keller - Zachary Murphy

Ann Deever - Jennelle Gilreath Owens

George Deever - Mike DePope

Dr. Jim Bayliss - Gerry Love

Sue Bayliss - Kay Love

Frank Lubey - Bryan Weatherston

Lydia Lubey - Valerie Grant

Bertie - Eliza Weatherston

All tickets for October 5, 6 are SOLD OUT!  

Written and directed by Larry Marsh


Tim Callahan as a St. Louis aviation pioneer

Ken Clark as a British spy

Nancy Lubowitz as a major figure in the women's suffrage movement

Todd Micali as an eccentric soap manufacturer

Corrinna Redford as an important figure in the Underground Railroad

John Reidy as a St. Louis brewer and boodler
